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Susan Hilton


Penguin Book Cover award, adult fiction, Norwegian Wood (back)

Penguin Book Cover award, adult fiction, Norwegian Wood (back)

This image shows the spine and back cover of my entry for Norwegian Wood. It makes use of Naoko's hair flowing into a forest which Naoko's symbol, a white butterfly, is flying up from. The two red cardinals come from the first chapter and represent the couple. The spine is based on a guitar's fretboard.

Susan Hilton

My aim is primarily to tell stories that are enriching and provide a form of entertainment and intrigue.

I frequently use mixed media of both practical and digital to give texture to my pieces. Symbols and metaphors are important and add depth to the illustrations. Like vanitas, my work is often dark in tone and suitable for older teens and young adult audiences. Sketching and drafting are key to what I do and I would love to be involved in work such as story boarding, illustrating stories and concept art.