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Meiyu Chen




There are many Japanese girls drop out of sports due to many reasons, but the main one is the high intensity and long hours of training. My solution is to introduce a new programme to the club, encouraging girls to play three times per week, also including other exciting features in the app to motivate the girls to participate.



There are many Japanese girls drop out of sports due to many reasons, but the main one is the high intensity and long hours of training. My solution is to introduce a new programme to the club, encouraging girls to play three times per week, also including other exciting features in the app to motivate the girls to participate.



now.T is a tea brand, which aims to bring a sense of calmness and let customers enjoy the present moment during break times

RoadSign museum

RoadSign museum

This is a branding project; I designed the visual elements for the RoadSign Museum.

Meiyu Chen

An adaptable and easygoing graphic designer with an interest in branding and UI design.

The three years at Loughborough University enabled me to produce a skilful and diverse portfolio; the projects are a representation of my interest in society and culture. I'm motivated and excited by the diversity and unlimited possibility of this realm; each project provides me with new insights and knowledge. Furthermore, I enjoy the process of organising information to bring up innovative and stimulating ideas to solve complex design challenges, alongside developing a unique and cultural visual language to connect with the audience. My goal is to design to bring people together and enhance their life for the better. My plan after this course is to work in the branding sector, utilising my design and strategy skills to help brands connect with audiences. Last but not least, to keep learning and improving myself as a graphic designer.


Creative Intern, Stylopoly (2018)