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Maxine Celotto


Maxine Celotto

As an art student and musician, I am passionate about culture. I undertake various projects to deepen this interest: museum branding, festival promotion, album design. Paying attention to details, I produce professional and delicate outcomes.

After having graduated from Loughborough University, I aim to do further studies in International Cultural Management to intertwine graphic communication and coordination skills.

September 2017 - July 2018

During my Graphic Communication and Illustration degree, I took the opportunity to fulfil a 45-week placement in industry. I integrated the team of the Festival Vue sur la Relève in Montréal, Canada, as the Coordination and Communication Assistant. Being the point of contact for the artists, volunteers and the audience, I bridged information between the three sections and the working team of the festival. I took care of artist applications, contracts, programme design, social media communications and any annex task given to me during my stay. The experience strengthened my autonomy and teamwork skills, and gave me an in depth insight of event management and organisation.