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Marie-Claire Hofmann

Film, Photography and Animation

The Set Making Studio

The Set Making Studio

We built, designed our sets and puppet in our kitchen.

Building The Puppet

Building The Puppet

Using a professional armature kit, we built our puppet's base. This was the first step to creating a living miniature human being.

The Animation Studio

The Animation Studio

In 3 intensive weeks we animated the whole short film, using the department's animation studio.

Animating the Bathroom Scene

Animating the Bathroom Scene

An example of our set up. We had little space, which made it difficult to move our puppet to our will.

Marie-Claire Hofmann

Film and animation lover. I love travelling and meeting talented people from different walks of life. I am an optimistic person and want to help people around me. My aim in life is to make others happy, through my work and my actions.

I am interested in photography and moving image. My goal is to one day become an art director, in the film and television industry, and to be able to work alongside incredible and inspiring people, on projects that matter.