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Kimon Agourides


Cities of the Future: Night time shot

Cities of the Future: Night time shot

A night shot of the city of Metropia 2042, this shot focuses more on the interior of the city looking closer at the function and the various features within the city.

Interiors of the Future: Top Floor

Interiors of the Future: Top Floor

The top floor of the interior design in Metropia 2042 showing more of the space such as the cooking and eating area.

Kimon Agourides

With a focus in illustration and narrative, my work uses the skills I have learned throughout the Graphic Communication and Illustration degree, and combined it with my passion of storytelling. My current projects are revolved around negative human impact on the earth, and depicting what a sustainable future could look like.

Narrative and function are two most valuable aspects to me within visual communication. I am always looking for ways to create a design which can relate to a set audience and can speak for itself, focusing greatly on function over form. It is important to be a strong visual communicator, but to be a strong verbal communicator as well. Group communication and engagement with other students has been strongly encouraged within this degree, which in return has allowed for better resulting work and are skill and strengths that are necessary within any industry. Through the duration of this degree course, I have taken briefs and catered my designs to work towards the goal of my desired career path of concept design and illustration; because of this I have pushed myself, developed and polished my skills in various areas using different tools such as animation with After Effects, painting with Photoshop, and 3D sculpting and modelling with the Zbrush and Autodesk Maya software, a most valuable skill in the industry. This skillset will allow for me to be a more valued asset to desired companies or studios.


Freelance - Xi Games - Momentum (August 2017 - September 2018) Event Posters and Marketing - Anunakeys Crete (Summer 2018)