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Kavita Patel

Thali Artwork Tile

Thali Artwork Tile

Thali brand artwork tile - Adobe Illustrator

Thali Gluten Free Range

Thali Gluten Free Range

Gluten free chapati and paratha pack mockup (back) - printed, assembled, photographed

Nuts About Coffee

Nuts About Coffee

'Nuts About' the nut milk coffee product and pack concept - Adobe Illustrator

Kavita Patel

Designing for the people, designing to problem solve and to fill gaps in the market: this is what I would like to do. I am an aspiring creative with a keen interest in branding, packaging and service design.

Through the course of my degree, I have developed a strong visual language working on projects that are consumer-focused. Concept ideation, hand-drawn and digital visuals, mock-ups and consumer research are all the parts of design that I enjoy. I work well within a team but equally well on my own initiative. My placement gave me the opportunity to work on products that have since made it onto shelves. This has been the rewarding force that drives me and has influenced my work this year. I am looking forward to entering the world of work but know my days of learning and development will be ongoing.

July 2017 - August 2018

Mondelēz International