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Jessica Porter

Photoshop, Mixed Media

Battery Hen Teatowel

Battery Hen Teatowel

Dead Cow Tea-towel

Dead Cow Tea-towel

Lamb Head Rug

Lamb Head Rug

Jessica Porter

I work with a broard range of media, including paint, collage and ceramics. This year I specialised in designing and making homeware that pushes the viewer to think about the journey animals go to from farm to plate.

By designing homeware, I have been able to develop my skills in photoshop and work confidently with ceramics. I have also learnt how to reupholster an armchair and turn fabric into pillows. Taking the skills I have gained from my university experience, I would like to pursue a career in stage design or curating.


MTC Making a Mark Exhibition, February 2019.


I have worked in hospitality and also in stage makeup for operas.