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Jess Hancock


Jess Hancock

I am an aspiring visual storyteller who believes passionately in ethical consumption and the therapeutic use of the arts.

As an open-minded and tenacious problem-solver who remains positive under pressure, I am well placed to support the wellbeing of vulnerable and disadvantaged people. Working as a freelance illustrator and art therapist, I aim to both design imaginative and emotionally resonant images and facilitate the therapeutic art-making of others. My ultimate (and more personal) goal is to increase the accessibility, convenience and desirability of a simpler, less wasteful and more conscientious way of life. I hope to contribute to new and more sustainable systems that put people, animals and the planet before profit.


Dennis Holt Travel Scholarship award of £585, supporting self-led projects in London and Liverpool 'Totally Tuned In' award for excellent creative processes in Foundation Art & Design


UK Volunteer in Nepal with Raleigh International, as part of the International Citizen Service Data Administrator at Receipt Bank, London Care Worker for people with dementia at The Abbeyfield Society, Loughborough