Jade Sheppard
Printed Textiles
Featured projects
Deer screen print
A deer design, created by a three layer screen print, fit for the side of a children's tepee. The design was created using pigment.
Fox screen print
Fox screen print created with 4 layers of pigment. With this work I wanted to show a traditional illustrative style, reflected in childrens books.
Fabric samples
A selection of fabric samples, both digital and screen print, featuring woodland animals.
Fabric samples
Fabric samples featuring coordinate and ditsy prints in the soft, playful colour pallet.
Jade Sheppard
My name is Jade Sheppard. I specialise in the print pathway, which has led to my final children's interior collection, 'Ivy in Wonderland'.
For my final degree collection my main inspiration has been my daughter. She has been a big part of my university journey as well as helping me develop my style. 'Ivy in Wonderland' shows the beautiful woodland and countryside which I enjoy exploring with my daughter Ivy. I have given it a childish flair, portraying it in a wonderland and giving animals playful characters in a delicate, beautiful environment. My style of work reflects storybook illustrations with a soft, dainty colour palette. For my collection I wanted to focus on children's interiors, something I would love to develop further in a future career or children's fashion. The main body of my work has been created through screen printing. This I believe to be successful as it helps give my work a sketchy, hand drawn style, as shown in traditional fairy-tale books.