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Hui Yi Hang

Branding and experience design

Breeze - Service Design

Breeze - Service Design

Breeze is designed for impulsive buyers. The app tracks the user’s location and spendings, and turns an alarm on when the user is about to spend money. The aim of this app is to make users have second thoughts about a purchase and help them to save money.

La Danza Festival - Branding

La Danza Festival - Branding

La Danza Festival is an event that encourages women to dance more. A place to forget all the pressures and live in the moment. A healthy lifestyle is integrating the mind, body and soul relationship, and dancing has all those characteristics. It creates a mental escape from everyday life and boosts people’s mood and confidence.

Hui Yi Hang

A quinti-lingual creative coming from a multi-cultural background, specialising in branding and experience design.

I design to make a difference by creating meaningful and memorable brand experience though impact-driven touchpoints, both online and offline. I love to challenge myself to come up with new ideas that solve problems in unique ways. I use strategic approaches combining different ideas and disciplines to develop holistic solutions. The nature of my degree and my participation in extracurricular activities have helped me to develop key transferable skills which are recognised by the university’s Employability Award Scheme. Through my work experience and university degree, I have learned how to manage time efficiently, work under pressure, respect given guidelines and most notably, be adaptive and think quickly in response to the environment. I aspire to join the creative industry as a junior designer and to continue gaining work experience that will increase my knowledge and skills as a creative.


Loughborough Employability Award


Freelance Designer, Shine A Light, Luxembourg September (2018 - present) Design Intern, Shine A Light, Luxembourg (June 2018 - September 2018) Illustrator and Designer, Label Magazine, Loughborough University (October 2016 - March 2017) Design Intern, Shanghai Jizhuang Technology Co. Ltd., (August 2015)