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Hanna Lesniewska

Sculpture, mixed-media, acrylic painting, photography

Crane (in progress)

Crane (in progress)

This is the very start of the Crane sculpture, a simple wire frame with a little bit of brown paper over the top. A lot of hard work has created something beautiful from something drab and boring!

The Frog Prince

The Frog Prince

A sculpture done as part of development that the artist is very proud of! It's a very sweet and premilinary piece, a simple character design that has come out well.

Fantastical deer

Fantastical deer

This deer took so long to get right, but the detail of tissue paper led the way to better and more interesting techniques of using paper to make fur and feather textures!

Yeti critter

Yeti critter

With a big toothy grin this Yeti critter really seems like it could be real, with a wonderful glittery fur coat and big blue eyes full of wonder. Another character design and materials experiment.

Hanna Lesniewska

My work works in conceptualizing fantastical creatures and bringing them to life in the real world through the use of mixed media and paper mache sculpture. Inspiration for these creatures is from folk tales, myths, legends, combining creatures together and the element of fun, making art interesting and approachable, kitschy and quirky.

I intend to continue to make quirky creatures unrestrained by the real world, hoping to be inspired by the natural world and the manmade alike. My strenghts are in mixed media, mainly paper like tissue paper and paper mache, but also metal wiring, acrylic paint, glitter and all sorts of fun embellishments, a smile towards sticking paper on balloons in childhood but with the twist of experiences and inspirations of adulthood. Art cannot be restrained in a static environment, so I hope to buy an electric scooter and spend my career travelling around different cities and parks with a sketchbook, gathering inspiration from beyond the confines of square rooms and Google search.

September 2017 - July 2019

Fine Art at Loughborough University