Featured projects

Using tactile knowledge to manipulate the senses.

Providing a tactile form of communication to entice the viewer and provide an interactive experience.
Video 1: Movement
Exploring the interaction between body and material, using performance and film as a method of both communicating and suppressing sensory elements.

Video 2: Feeling
Through external sensory stimuli, the internal visualisation and immediate interpretation of specific tactile and personal experience is conveyed, through the use of the minds eye.
Georgia Law
I have explored sensory deprivation, questioning the typical understanding of the senses and tactility. My work strives to engage conversation and provide differing associations for each individual - reinforcing the individualism of perception.
Antrop and Eetvlde (2017) write on the ‘fundamental distinction between seeing and looking’. My work explores this notion through manipulation of sensory aspects, discussing the curation of a sensory understanding which deviates from the typically expected. My practice uses a range of mediums, such as object, film, movement and sound to deprive and contradict sensory understanding. Through the main context of film and performance, I have explored provoking tactility in conjunction with the body, experimenting with altering experience for both creator and viewer through manipulation and juxtaposition. My work aims to entice interaction and provoke unconventional entanglement of the senses. Despite working with paint for the majority of my artistic years - including the previous years on this course - my degree has allowed me to develop and further my skills in other areas such as film and photography. This term my fascination with the senses and the individualism of the mind (on which I also wrote my Dissertation) has lead me to integrate my dance and movement background into my work, learning more about performance within a fine art and film context. This has allowed me to utilise expression through movement in conjunction with the my topic – developing a stripped back communication of form and the sensory realm. I plan to work towards a career in Art Therapy. This has been a passion of mine for years, however, my experience this year of learning more about the mind, the senses, and the way in which individuals interact has confirmed for me that this is an area I would love to further my knowledge and specialise in.
MTC: Making a Mark, Exhibition - February 2019.
Art Teaching Assistant: Hove Park School