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Elizabeth Poole

Illustration, Service, Print

Appy Wireframe

Appy Wireframe

The wireframe for Appy - the app aimed at opening conversation between girls aged 10-13. The map shows the whole process starting with login, agreement, profile set up, customisation and menu. Highlighted in different sections are: Positivity Zone, Forums, Chats, Events, Friends and Games. See Video Link.

Wonder Book Cover

Wonder Book Cover

Illustrated book covers (front, back and spine) for 'Wonder' by R.J Palacio aimed at 8-12 year olds. Auggie (the main character) grows out his hair to hide his face. My main design was inspired by his ability to recognise other characters by their shoes.

Elizabeth Poole

Creative Loughborough graduate specialising in illustration, print and service design. Particularly enjoys working with younger audiences due to the bold and playful nature of illustration.

Colourful iconographic illustrations used in publishing, UX design and environmental outcomes. Experience working full-time within administration and teaching roles. Enthusiastic about new opportunities internationally, keen to step into the creative industry.


Student Ambassador for Loughborough University Diploma in Professional Studies Illustrator for LABEL Magazine, Loughborough Student's Union Elected Student Representative for Graphic Communication and Illustration (2016-17) 2nd place, Leicester Mercury Photography Competition


Art and Design Assistant for SEK International Schools and Ratby Primary School Travel and Design Blogger (WordPress) (2017-18) Freelance Illustrator

September 2017 - June 2018

SEK Catalunya International, Barcelona