Cloe Jane Freer
Printed Textiles
Featured projects
Cloe Jane Freer
Cloe is a printed textile student with a diverse range of knowledge in both fashion and interior print. She is influenced by bright colour, urban environments, and political causes. She uses a mix of mark making and fine line drawing to create bold screen printed and digital designs.
'Distortion' is a Spring/Summer 2020 fashion collection, with an underlying political message about the current political climate in the UK. This collection focuses on the distortion of architecture and city life, combining elements of bright colour, photography and drawing to create engineered designs. The UK is currently anxiously awaiting the final Brexit deal, constantly being pushed back by a regretful government. The current state of the UK political climate is dire; the government is failing, and with this a distrust from the public is growing. 'Distortion' represents the distorted views of UK politics from the government; the lies told to get to this point and the truth of the helpless situation Brexit has left our country in has become clear.
Designs sold internationally for Branded Clothing International (2018-19) Designs sold internationally for Fusion CPH (2018-19) Exhibiting designer at Premiere Vision, Paris (2016 and 2019)
September 2017 - August 2018
Branded Clothing International Fusion CPH (Copenhagen)