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Ben Story

UX design, Photography, Video

Ben Story

I have a passionate drive for bringing ideas to life in a creative and visual way through a variety of different medias, whether it be illustration, computer aided design or photography. I enjoy the challenges of design, overcoming problems and aiming my work at specific audiences, and sticking to the visual language as a continuing format. I am enticed into projects by my passion for creating outcomes to help the flow and ease of consumers' day-to-day life in a subtle, innovative way.

The bulk of my project was targeted at the supermarket giant 'Waitrose', where I have recreated the in-store shopping experiences with the computer-aided help of 'Sandra', opening up avenues for new meals, a more efficient and time effective shop. It installs confidence in shoppers with allergies to try new flavours and to also feel safe with their day-to-day products, reducing the chances of unforeseen hidden changes with ingredients in products.


1HQ, Windsor - branding agency