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Alexander Smith

Advertising, Photography, Digital

Alexander Smith

Typically my work is centred around advertising and photography with a strong digital focus.

The university projects which I have undertaken included a re-design of Owen Jones book 'The Establishment: And How They Get Away with It' for the Penguin Books Student Design Awards; as well as a photography project based on the theme of 'nonconformity' and a campaign to combat the censorship of free speech in universities. The campaign aims to challenge the 'Snowflake Generation' to open themselves to controversial and offensive ideas and opinions in order to spark debates and constantly challenge their way of thinking instead of taking offence so easily. I have great enthusiasm for photography and like to express this throughout my work, whether it is simply tied in with some typography or incorporated into the overall composition of a design. I like to create work that provokes the audience and engages their thoughts. My current career aims are to seek and expand my experience as a designer and creative and enter the advertising industry.