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Kiera Ingram

Painting, Digital Media

Close up of 'Untitled 1'

Close up of 'Untitled 1'

Close up of 'Untitled 2'

Close up of 'Untitled 2'

Close up of 'Untitled 3'

Close up of 'Untitled 3'

Close up of 'Untitled 3'

Close up of 'Untitled 3'

Kiera Ingram image 8

Close up of 'Untitled 3'

Kiera Ingram

Examining my struggles due to my learning disability Dyscalculia, I aim to utilise my 'counting' process within the incorporation of 'mark making', through exploration of abstraction within my practise of 'action painting'. From constant decision making, I am set with facing new challenges and decisions within my development.

- Drawing Mixed Media - Digital Design - Acrylic & Mixed Media Creations - Problem Solving


- Art Scholarship - Art Volunteering for the young and bereaved


- Sky Creative Intern